A research trial found one month of intensive exercise with a Physiotherapist (plus usual PD medication) improved walking endurance and balance in people living with Parkinson’s Disease. This study group was compared to regular treatment i.e., medication alone.
Exercise participants in this study went on to complete a regular home exercise program. After 2 years, it was revealed those in the exercise group had significantly less decline in their mobility symptoms compared to those who did not exercise.
This indicates that exercise may delay symptom progression in people living with Parkinson’s Disease.

Frazzitta, G., Maestri, R., Bertotti, G., Riboldazzi, G., Boveri, N., Perini, M., Uccellini, D., Turla, M., Comi, C., Pezzoli, G., & Ghilardi, M. F. (2014). Intensive rehabilitation treatment in early parkinson’s disease. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 29(2), 123–131.