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Neurological Physiotherapy

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Our team of Physiotherapists specialise in the treatment of neurological conditions

Our Physiotherapy team has extensive experience treating an individual’s movement and function disorders originating from the body’s nervous and neuromuscular systems. This can include the treatment of muscle weakness and loss of function, coordination and balance difficulties, uncontrolled muscle spasms, and tremors. This is all done in collaboration with the client to ensure their goals are aligned with the therapy program.


Our team has extensive experience treating the following neurological conditions:

  • Spinal Cord Injury 

  • Stroke

  • Multiple Sclerosis 

  • Motor Neurone Disease 

  • Muscular Dystrophy 

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Acquired Brain Injury

  • Cerebral Palsy 

  • Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome 

  • Huntington's Disease

  • Ataxia

Neurological Physiotherapy 

Our team are experienced in these clinical areas:


Our Physiotherapists can assess how an individual's illness, injury, and pain are limiting their motion, strength, flexibility, and sensation.

Our experienced physiotherapists will provide a plan to help clients with their movement and independence goals. 



Hydrotherapy treatment and exercise sessions can be conducted externally at a heated pool and can be customised to support a client's specific needs, such as strengthening muscles, mobilising joints, relieving pain, or improving general fitness, balance, and coordination.  

Clinical Pilates 

Clinical Pilates blends clinical knowledge of movement dysfunction and principles of rehabilitation exercise to produce an effective treatment for clients. 

Physiotherapists incorporate pilates to assist clients in many ways, from improving flexibility, strength, and stability to increased balance, muscle tone, and posture. It’s ideal for treating, managing, and preventing pain throughout the body.


Our Physiotherapists provide specialist neurological rehabilitation for adults who have experienced a Spinal Cord Injury or Stroke or are living with a neurological diagnosis such as Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington's disease, or Parkinson's disease. 

Respiratory treatment

Our Physiotherapists are able to enhance the overall functioning of the respiratory system through education, airway clearance techniques, and exercises aimed at reducing the effort required to restore normal lung function.

Our Physiotherapists can also recommend respiratory assistive technology equipment.





Manual handling plans 
and education

Our Physiotherapists are experienced in creating best-practice manual handling plans for moving and handling clients with physical disabilities. 

Our team can also provide education and techniques to the client's support team. 

Strength and exercise programs 

Our Physiotherapists can assess your abilities and recommend an exercise program based on your needs and goals, such as improving transfers, limb function, core strength, balance, aerobic function, and activity tolerance.




Walking and balance retraining 

Using the latest evidence-based techniques, our Physiotherapists will assist you in improving your balance and walking (Gait training) 

If appropriate, our Physiotherapists can recommend a mobility aid and teach you how to use this equipment safely and effectively. 

Functional electrical stimulation

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) applies low-level electrical impulses to weakened, damaged, or paralysed muscles to help improve clients capability and mobility.

The FES devices we use in our clinic are clinically proven to improve walking speed, safety, walking symmetry, and confidence.

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Neurological Physiotherapy

We understand the importance of independence and mobility for our clients.

Our Physiotherapists can tailor programs with proven treatments and therapies.

Our approach is to work beside clients to create a plan and move towards their goals, our team will support you in improving your mobility, balance, movement, posture, strength, coordination, and management of chronic conditions.


Treatment is available in your home or at our adaptive rehabilitation centre. 


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